When you want to get into 3D printing in South Africa, 3D Unique is your first choice! We offer an online 3D printer store that has a wide range of 3D printers, 3D scanners, filaments, resin, and dental 3D software to ensure that you have everything that you need. Whether you are a professional who needs a solution to small- and medium-scale manufacturing or a hobbyist who wants to bring your 3D creations to life, our store features a wide and all-inclusive selection to ensure that you can buy what you need for your endeavours.
Buying the Ideal 3D Printer
There are several 3D printers in our range to choose from. We stock FlashForge, Raise3D, and Creality models, with a selection between open and completely enclosed build areas to fit your needs. Our selection ranges from basic and affordable models for hobbyists to advanced, high-quality output models for professionals. We also sell dental 3D printers as part of our selection at our online 3D printer store. All that remains, is for you to decide which printer is your perfect fit!
3D Scanners and Reverse Engineering
The principle of reverse engineering is simple – start with the answer and work your way backwards. This concept can be applied to 3D printing as well, with the useful assistance of 3D scanners. By scanning a 3D object, you can use your 3D software for an accurate digital representation of the specific object and analyse it as you see fit. You can also alter the object and print your own altered version, which is extremely useful for engineers who develop parts to optimise their creations. We also offer a range of dental 3D scanners that can be used to manufacture 3D printed retainers, dentures, fillings, and crowns.
Consumables for Your 3D Printer
At our online 3D printer store, you can find a wide selection of filaments to suit your specific 3D printing needs. Our selection includes ABS, PLA, and PETG filaments to choose from – available in various colours to suit your specific preferences and taste for your specific 3D models. We also sell a selection of resin to help you cure and colour your 3D printed models.
3D Unique is your first choice when you need an online 3D printer store in South Africa! We offer free shipping and delivery nationwide. Feel free to browse our online store and place your order with us directly today. Get your 3D printing on with 3D Unique in your corner!