Dental 3D Printing Solutions in South Africa

Are you looking for a supplier of dental 3D printing solutions in South Africa? 3D Unique is your all-inclusive answer! We offer dental 3D printers, scanners, and software to enable your dental practice to manufacture 3D-printed retainers, dentures, fillings, and crowns. Today, we discuss 3D printing as an industry disruptor and the benefits of 3D-printed retainers and other 3D dental solutions for your clients.

The Benefits of Dental 3D Printing

The dental industry used to rely on labs for small-scale dental manufacturing that includes retainers, denture bases, and surgical implant bases. With the introduction of dental 3D printing, dental practices can manufacture them in-house and deliver more accurate results for their clients. With our range of dental 3D hardware and software, dentists can utilise 3D scanners to get an accurate digital representation of a person’s mouth, teeth, and gums to manufacture 3D-printed retainers and dentures with ease.

The Origin of 3D-Printed Retainers

Invisalign is the world’s most popular brand of clear dental retainers and one of the pioneers of 3D-printed retainers. These retainers are manufactured from advanced thermoplastic material and require pinpoint accuracy to deliver a comfortable fit for the client. Although there are various types of retainers that include acrylic and wire options, clear 3D-printed retainers are the most common and popular choice for adults around the world. With 3D Unique, your dental practice will have the means to design and manufacture these products for your clients.

The FlashForge Focus 8.9 HD 4K LCD Dental 3D Printer

When it comes to our range of dental 3D printers, the FlashForge Focus 8.9 delivers a wide range of applications for dentists and orthodontists – equipped with the latest manufacturing technology to deliver precision and stability with every print. This printer can be used to manufacture crowns, night guards, trays, denture bases, and 3D-printed retainers to only name a few. This printer features a Z-axis motor system that allows for more stable and fine printing performance.

The Focus 8.9 offers 97% more print size in comparison to traditional DLP printers and can print a staggering 21 orthodontic dental models simultaneously. The software that is incorporated into this printer offers easy operations and can generate a dental base model from an imported 3D dental scan model. When you need a dental 3D printer that can do it all, the Focus 8.9 is your first choice.

3D Unique is your supplier of dental 3D printing hardware and software in South Africa! Take advantage of our solutions to offer your clients 3D-printed retainers, dentures, and other dental solutions. Feel free to browse our online store and place your order with us today!

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